Praktyka przetwarzania obrazów w programie Matlab - Robert …
Witryna25 lip 2016 · It computes the adaptive threshold image and then applies it to produce a binary output image. If you want the adaptive threshold image itself, or if you want more control over the how the adaptive threshold image is computed, then you can use adaptthresh. Here is the adaptive threshold image for the printed text example shown … Witryna7 gru 2024 · bw1 = imbinarize(i2); %binarizing the grayscale image figure,imshow(bw1) %Displaying the binarized image. We then specify the strel length used to perform morphological dilation. A disk length of 5 is then used to dilate the binary image bw1. The dilated image will be assigned i3 as demonstrated in the below codes. chinese takeaways rototuna
Komputerowa analiza obrazu Laboratorium 4
WitrynaThe imshow function displays the value low (and any value less than low) as black, and it displays the value high (and any value greater than high) as white. Values between … Witrynaimshow(...,display_option) where display_optionwas either 'truesize'or 'notruesize', has been replaced by the following parameter/value pair syntax: imshow(...,'InitialMagnification',initial_mag) As the value, you can specify a numeric magnification percentage value or the text string 'fit'. chinese takeaway springburn glasgow